Hi guys!! once again I got an interesting topic to share with you . So tell me (referring to married couples now); Do you get to wonder why a lot of marriages don't do well? Do you think married couples put in their best to have a blissful marriage? Well, I can't really answer that question for you, because you best know the level of input you put into your marriage. I can tell you one thing though, there's more to marriage than just loving each other, having kids, and calling yourselves MR & MRS. Also, it is important to understand that both parties need to play a role and I mean both the husband and the wife, to have a successful and blissful marriage. Obviously, I'm sure you already know that there are many ways to make a marriage successful, but in this blog, I've listed only 5 tips that always work. So keep on reading and be blessed.
It is quite understanding that a husband and wife come from two different backgrounds, meaning that their approach to life would most likely differ. So when you get married; all that is compromised, and because you love each other, there's persistence. So it is important that you value both of your emotions, feelings and equally respect each other mutually in order to have a happy and healthy marriage.
Now this is so important; for both of you to enjoy your marriage, that romance, that spark has got to be kept burning. Don't ever let the spark of romance between you two die. Always ensure you both express your feelings towards each other at all times. Try out new things, go on dates even when there is no occasion, be spontaneous. It will only add spice to your relationship and strengthen you both.
In recent times, research has shown that a lot of marriages fail as a result of constant nagging from both parties. Now, the question I want to ask is; If you knew you were going to complain about almost everything he does, then why did you marry him? or vice versa for the guys. Good question huh? Marriage is a bond, I'm sure we all agree, so when you get married, be ready to to do a lot of tolerating on both sides. Now if you love someone dearly and the person does something you don't like and it's worth overlooking; You don't need to start nagging as if you are perfect yourself, instead be polite and respectful, act maturely and show some concern. It always does the trick, your spouse as a result of your mature response would not have any other choice than to change his or her attitude/character all to please you. So be wise, stop the nagging and enjoy your marriage.
When you get married, you need to get rid of every skeleton you may have in your cupboard in quote. Your spouse should be your closest confidant. Be honest about your past life, share everything, so as to be bring about complete trust, confidence, and faith in each other. Remember, whatever you do, in one way or the other will always have an effect on your spouse, so do not hide anything from each other. Like the saying goes thus "Honesty is the best policy" so complete honesty in a marriage, means a successful marriage.
The Bible talks about when a man is joined to his wife, the two become one. That is so true, meaning that they become a team, not individual players. Share responsibilities among each other to make things easier and balanced for both of you. Let not one partner leave the responsibility of catering for the family to the other partner,it could be really frustrating and discouraging.

So there you go people, very simple and practicable isn't it? Having a successful and happy marriage depends on you both, so make that effort today and be happy.
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