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Thursday, December 16, 2010


stubborn blackheads
Are you looking for a BLACKHEAD TREATMENT that would help eliminate those stubborn blackheads that keep on appearing especially on your face? Do you want some blackhead removal stuff that would completely keep them off for good? Well, you don't have to worry no more because I have right here very effective treatments that would sure send those blackheads on a no return journey; so keep your eyes fixed on this blog and find out what they are.

I'm sure you already know that blackheads are those ugly black bumps that appear on the skin, often times blackheads occur mainly on the face; it is also a form of acne. Blackheads occur mainly as a result of accretion in the skin, some may appear yellowish in color, but most times they stay black as the bumps stay longer and get thicker. 
Face full of blackheads
Blackheads on the forehead
Now when the skin secretes its natural oil also referred to as sebum, it comes out as waste and it's meant to be washed off immediately, failure to do so makes this sebum harden the pore of the skin resulting in blackheads. Here are a few blackhead treatments that would sure put that shine back on your face.

First of the blackhead treatments is using warm water to give your face a thorough wash. This particular treatment is effective such that it helps open your skin pores giving room for the skin oil to be secreted properly without any form of obstruction; this treatment if done regularly, would leave your face fresh, clean and blackhead free. Please take caution not to use water that is too hot so as not to get your skin scalded or burned, instead get a clean towel for drying your face and skin after washing it with prepared warm water.
Washing the face

The next blackhead treatment is using face cleansers or astringents on the face. 
This specific treatment mainly suits people with oily skin and that's because oily skin tends to have more blackheads than people with other skin types. 
 Now this treatment employs using cotton balls dabbed with astringents to cleanse the face after a thorough wash or before wash. Astringents can be pretty severe so I recommend that folks with sensitive skin take extra caution before usage, moreover it is preferable to add rose water to the astringents in other to soothe the effect.

cotton balls dabbed with astringents

Now taking herbs, but preferably herbal tea is another type of blackhead treatment. This method is so unique in a way that its regular use completely washes the entire body system of toxic waste. You may be wondering, so how does that affect blackheads? You see herbal ingredients have natural cleansing agents that keep the body system in check, free of anomalies such as unnecessary skin clogging, blood effluence etc. making your body readily resistant to skin disorders, infections and so on. So the need for herbs including herbal tea is a must if you are to tackle blackheads.
HERBS- Basil leaves
To have effective results, I advise that your use of the treatments mentioned above be consistent including being committed. So if you're suffering from blackhead impurity, make sure you try out the aforementioned treatments to get maximum results.
A face to be proud of

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